Saturday, March 25, 2006

Post 3 -- A New Religion

During the last few talks Trevor and I have had regarding Turncycle, we have been discussing the need for some established religions in the story. Different sects, if you will. This story just gets more amazing as it develops. It was meant to be.

You may wonder why religion should enter in, but it seems that the muses are dictating it and it cannot be denied. Our discussion has begun to envision and develop a few deviations from a true faith that should be the cornerstone of this world, the apostate factions that develop and the subterfuge that ensues in the major faction. A true prophet is isolated for the 'good' of the upper crust and the privileged. He is mis-represented and misquoted by those who should be his staunchest supporters. When he is removed to another planet and its colony, the inhabitants there take him more seriously than his own. A powerful chain of events seems destined to ensue.

Other discussions have rotated around alternative energy sources, plus a radical and engaging new theory of the nature of light and of quantum mechanics. This excites me perhaps more than any other thing right now. The only word I can use is 'stoked'. When this book is released, this theory will turn some heads, I feel. There may also be some talk of new considerations of theories of earth's religious and secular histories. Perfectly good explanations that have been previously ignored by the 'scientific' elite and the purveyors of 'junk science' will need to be acknowledged finally.

As always, this is still in the formative stages and the shape will surely morph and take a clearer shape as time passes. It is still as exciting as ever.

UPDATE: July 22, 2006 Regarding the new theory of the nature of light and quantum mechanics, I have recently spoken with a friend I had not seen for some time. He is known for having his fingers in some diverse and interesting pies. His background is physics in general and lasers in particular. He also has some interesting acquaintances of his own, as you might imagine. One of these is a dual Ph.D. who ascribes to the same unique and bleeding edge theories that Trevor has lighted upon (Trevor says it is simple "common sense"--I wish I had such insights and confidence). Anyway, it is extremely reassuring that the insights are considered correct by such an eminently qualified individual. This will assure that the story will be cutting edge, as well, with a certain and lengthy life span.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Post 1--Behind the curtain

Over the years I have had opportunity to read many novels and wonder how certain concepts or characters were developed. I have also noticed that often the writer’s own comments are limited on those points of interest. Therefore, I thought it would be neat to give readers an inside view of the story as it develops, so they can see a glimpse of how exciting and/or difficult the development can be.

I used to be puzzled with the idea that some writers had extensive notes that they referred to as they wrote a story. It baffled me that an author could write a story without an instinctive detailed knowledge of each character and story nuance. Since beginning this project, I have been humbled and have begun taking extensive notes of my own. This has led me to a greater appreciation of the works of such great authors as J.R.R. Tolkien and Frank Herbert. Anyone that can build entire worlds and civilizations from scratch—with or without the aid of a notebook—is worthy of great respect.

Our intent with this site is to expand it into a behind-the-scenes exposition of the creation of the Turncycle series. We hope you enjoy this and we appreciate your patience until such time as it becomes fully developed.

Feel free to leave comments and impressions as things ensue. I have been gathering plot and character ideas from numerous eclectic sources. There is no reason why you couldn’t be one of them. Just don’t be hurt if your suggestions can’t be fitted into the storyline. I am working with my father as a sounding board on this and I have had to shoot down some of his ideas that seemed quite sound on the surface. There are still parts of the tale that have not been fleshed out in my mind yet, but there are also parts that I already know have to be portrayed in a specific manner…even if I don’t yet know how or why. Even without the flesh, the spirit is still there and that is, after all, what defines the form.
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